运动 健康 英语作文

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好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理了运动 健康 英语作文的相关教程:Healthandphysicalactivityareoftencloselyassociatedwitheachother.Healthisthemostimportantthinginourli

Health and physical activity are often closely associated with each other.Health is the most important thing in our lives it can determine the way you live your life. Physical activity is any movement that results in expenditure of energy, it can be branched out in to many different categories that include exercise, fitness, active living, active recreation and sport. Health was the opposite to to illness prior to world war two, it was defined as “the body operating efficiently” which meant if there was a problem you were unhealthy. A person may not have been suffering from any physical illness but they could be suffering depression which affects overall health.


本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/jiankang/64213a7e85df05a0cc0f7cca.html

