最新消息!CINEMA 4D R21喜获“广播生产奖”

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好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理了最新消息!CINEMA 4D R21喜获“广播生产奖”的相关教程:Cinema4D的动态图形工具在中央广播行业享有很高的声誉,并且在全球几乎所有主要新闻编辑室中都得到使用,包括ABC,CBS,NBC,狐狸,迪斯尼,ESPN,NFL,CNN,A&E,Bravo,d

Cinema 4D的动态图形工具在中央广播行业享有很高的声誉,并且在全球几乎所有主要新闻编辑室中都得到使用,包括ABC,CBS,NBC,狐狸,迪斯尼,ESPN,NFL,CNN,A&E, Bravo,discovery,PBS,Al Jazeera,Showtime,sky,BBC等。尤其是,我们获得了mograph工具集AMPAS科技奖,该工具集为艺术家提供了一系列直观而强大的工具,这些工具可以帮助他们从3D Flight动画徽标,抽象图形到标题设计,应有尽有,并轻松满足他们讲故事的需求。

我们很高兴地宣布,面向专业电视创意人士的商业出版物新闻广播工作室已获得Cinema 4D版本21的广播制作奖。竞赛旨在庆祝该产品的最佳创意制作和技术成就,这是该赛事的第11年。于2019年推出。

首席执行官David McGavran表示:“ Maxon致力于持续创新,为专业广播创意人士提供他们快速传递信息所需的灵活性和3D技术,并满足不断发展的快节奏新闻制作环境的需求。” Maxon。 “我们很高兴广播行业认识到R21的总体核心性能改进正在改变我们客户的运动图形工作流程。”

新闻广播工作室的编辑达克·狄龙(Dak Dillon)解释说,总体奖项是由30多位行业资深人士组成的评审团颁发的。根据案例研究和提交的信息,新产品或服务如何解决广播/生产领域的问题,产品的实用性及其对最终用户的价值,对产品/服务类别进行评估。

狄龙说:“今年的广播制作奖是迄今为止我们最具竞争力的奖项,有40多个类别和数百种作品。” “来自五大洲的获奖者代表了创意设计,讲故事和制作方面的最新成就。”

Cinema 4D’s motion graphics tool enjoys a high reputation in the central broadcasting industry, and is used in almost all major newsrooms around the world, including ABC, CBS, NBC, fox, Disney, ESPN, NFL, CNN, a & E, bet, Bravo, discovery, PBS, Al Jazeera, Showtime, sky, BBC, etc. In particular, we have won the AMPAS science and Technology Award for the mograph tool set, which provides artists with a set of intuitive and powerful tools, which can create everything from 3D Flight animation logo, abstract graphics to Title Design, and easily meet their story telling needs.

We are pleased to announce that newscast studio, a trade publication for professional TV creative people, has awarded the broadcast production Award for Cinema 4D release 21. In its 11th year, the competition aims to recognize the best creative production and technical achievements of the products launched in 2019.

“Maxon is committed to continuous innovation, providing professional broadcast creative people with the flexibility and 3D technology they need to deliver information quickly, and to meet the needs of an evolving, fast-paced news production environment,” said David McGavran, chief executive officer of Maxon. “We are pleased that the broadcasting industry has recognized the overall core performance improvements in R21 that are changing our customers’ motion graphics workflow. “

Dak Dillon, editor of newscast studio, explained that the overall awards were awarded by a jury of more than 30 industry veterans. The product / service category is evaluated on the basis of the case studies and information submitted, how the new product or service solves problems in the broadcasting / production field, the practicality of the product, and its value to the end user.

“This year’s Radio Production Award is our most competitive so far, with more than 40 categories and hundreds of works,” Dillon said. “Winners from five continents represent the latest achievements in creative design, storytelling and production. “

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本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/IT/63e7025ebf99b5688e0355cf.html

