欧盟猪肉价格:报价稳定-气氛和谐 欧洲猪肉消费量

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好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理了欧盟猪肉价格:报价稳定-气氛和谐 欧洲猪肉消费量的相关教程:EU-ThesituationontheEuropeanpigslaughtermarketgoesonbeingbalanced.Thequotations,fort

  EU - The situation on the European pig slaughter market goes on being balanced.The quotations, for the most part, remain on the level achieved. So does the leading quotation in Germany. In Denmark as well as in Belgium the prices remain unchanged as well.The drifting down of prices could also be stopped in the Netherlands, where last week’s quotation had still been corrected downward. Yet, the Netherlands are ranking last at a great distance within the pricing structure of the five EU member countries most significant in pig keeping. So, the gap between the German and Dutch corrected price levels is 12 cents, thus being extraordinarily large. As a rule, the Dutch slaughter companies are looking out for not allowing this gap to grow too large in order to prevent increased movement of pigs for slaughter into Germany.



本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/shenghuo/64243a8c9db81fb455020382.html

