峰 (打一肖)

浏览次数: 610

好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理了峰 (打一肖)的相关教程:猴                             Farmanimal用英介绍一种农场动物,至少6句Farmownerkeepsalotofsmallanimals:Therearecats


Farm animal 用英介绍一种农场动物,至少6句

Farm owner keeps a lot of small animals: There are cats, dogs, ponies and calves. The owner is very fond of these small animals. One day, I am going to be a guest of the owner. At home, the cat owner to prepare a pot of fish on the corner edge, kitten happily eat. At home in front of a large tree, the dog owner to prepare a pot of fresh meat, dog spit out a long tongue is ready to eat its food yet. Colt and calf it? Let master early on they go eat tender grass of the meadow. Owner of the small animals food arrangements have been made, owners are assured to be a guest of.


本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/shenghuo/6416c9ea4b321d85100a9be8.html

