eplan p8 2.7没有识别加密狗-安装失败

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好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理了eplan p8 2.7没有识别加密狗-安装失败的相关教程:安装方法参考:(安装包一搜就能找到)https://jingyan.baidu.com/article/6dad507551c9c0a123e36eb8.html此步很关键:(一般默认HASPUs





WIN 7 X64 Patch Instructions:

1: Install the software EPLAN series.

2: Turn off the antivirus software, turn off the UAC system, this isnot really necessary, but you need to allow the system/antivirus alerts.

3: Run as administrator HASPUserSetup.exe.

4: Run as administrator EPLAN 2.1-2.7 X64 crack.exe

5: Use the version.dll creator

6: Copy version.dll to: C:\Program Files\EPLAN\Platform\2.7.3\Bin. Solve the lags problem.

7: Reboot.

WIN 10 X64 Patch Instructions:

1: Install the software EPLAN series.

2: Copy the license file SN-U10066.EGF to folder C:\User\Public\Eplan\Common\

3: Turn off the antivirus software, turn off the UAC system, this isnot really necessary, but you need to allow the system/antivirus alerts.

4: Run as administrator HASPUserSetup.exe(修改日期是2017的可用,安装时间较长,请耐心等待-txwtech).

5: run as administrator EPLAN 2.1-2.7 X64 crack.exe

6: Add to registry EPLAN 2.7 1-2.reg and EPLAN 2.7 2-2.reg

7: Start a command console with administrator rights and run install.cmd that you can find in MultiKey64.


Microsoft Windows [版本 10.0.17134.523]

(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation。保留所有权利。


D:\>cd D:\myself\installation_package\EPLAN 2.7安装包\Patch EPLAN P8 (V1.8-V2.7)\MultiKey64

D:\myself\installation_package\EPLAN 2.7安装包\Patch EPLAN P8 (V1.8-V2.7)\MultiKey64>install.cmd

If you don’t want to use the install.cmd just copy multikey.cat , multikey.inf , MultiKey.sys to C:\Windows\System32

And update the Driver of virtual usb in Device Manager.

8: Use the version.dll creator

9: Copy version.dll to: C:\Program Files\EPLAN\Platform\2.7.3\Bin. Solve the lags problem.

10: Reboot.

以上就是好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理的eplan p8 2.7,eplan p8 2.7加密狗相关内容,如果对您有帮助,请帮忙分享这篇文章^_^

本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/IT/641af090a739d61ba60b3618.html

