C4D软件 R17.055三维软件中文版含离线更新包Maxon Cinema 4D R17.055 (SP3.5) Win/Mac

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好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理了C4D软件 R17.055三维软件中文版含离线更新包Maxon Cinema 4D R17.055 (SP3.5) Win/Mac的相关教程:C4D软件R17.055三维软件中文版含离线更新包MaxonCinema4DR17.055(SP3.5)Win/MacCinema4DR17是一款最容易使用的专业的三维软件,比以往任

C4D软件 R17.055三维软件中文版含离线更新包Maxon Cinema 4D R17.055 (SP3.5) Win/Mac

Cinema 4D R17是一款最容易使用的专业的三维软件,比以往任何时候都更有效。新工具以及扩展和完全重做功能,可以帮助你把你的想法变成现实更快,也更轻松。改进的工作流可以帮助您满足最严格的最后期限。我们甚至重造这线!再次感谢n0MAD神

C4D R17XX版安装方法:

安装。运行C4D R17注册机。检查更新,就可以下载Cinema 4d R17完整版中文语言包。

Cinema 4d.exe -系统错误



革命性节省宝贵的时间。新的颜色选择器,实现你甚至不知道你想要的那些东西,你一直想要的色彩搭配 c4dsky.com,以及东西!同时整合集成SketchUp和霍迪尼引擎,进行Cinema 4D理想的枢纽。实现创造力流程。



配备了一个完整的花键工具 – 无需切换到外部c4dsky.com工具。轻松创建和修改样条CINEMA 4D的新的钢笔工具,素描,平滑,弧度工具和布尔命令。



新功能和改进的Cinema 4D R17雕刻功能。用造型来PoseMorph,例如,加快角色动画。容易雕刻与边缘检测硬表面模型。



C4D R17提供了新的和扩展的着色器,以提高可用性(书生原创文章)和性能。随着新材质覆盖功能,您可以轻松地覆盖用料上专用通道创建粘土或磨砂呈现。



3D集成资产注入的视频变得更容易。在Cinema 4D,运动跟踪功能已得到增强,加入校正镜头畸变的能力,并通过添加一个直观的工具,用于快速消除轨迹点的问题。

Cinema 4d R17新功能:

Cinema 4D R17 – 动画功能改进Animation Improvements

Cinema 4D R17 – 运动跟踪器增强功能Motion Tracker Enhancements

Cinema 4D R17 – 材质覆盖Material Override

Cinema 4D R17 – 变异着色器Variation Shader

Cinema 4D R17 – 雕刻功能的改进Sculpting improvements

Cinema 4D R17 – 样条曲线工具Spline Tools

Cinema 4D R17 – 整合Sketchup Integration

Cinema 4D R17 – 书架生成器预设Bookshelf Generator

Cinema 4D R17 – 更新内容库Updated Content Libraries

Cinema 4D R17 – 颜色选择器Color Chooser

Cinema 4d R17完整版磁力下载地址(记得用虚拟光驱安装http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dFz8Dxf):

链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1hqfIoOO 密码:maa4

This is the service update 17.055 for Cinema 4D and BodyPaint 3D R17.

This update is highly recommended for all R17 users.

New Improvements in This Release


Fixed an issue with Hair/Grass and Ambient Occlusion

Older Improvements in Previous Updates

The Houdini Engine Bridge has been integrated, Python was updated to version 2.7.9 and the Team Render Server web interface got some enhancements.


Fixed an issue with tangents

Fixed an issue with Euler filter and track types

Fixed an issue with default selection linking of Timeline and Object Manager.

Fixed an issue in Timeline cycling with shortcut keys.

Fixed an issue with converting motion layer to keyframe animation.


Sketch and Toon is now available in hardware render settings

Fixed an issue with artefact on overlapping Sketch and Toon lines

Fixed an issue with Hair in secondary specular multi-pass

Fixed an issue with Sketch and Toon multi-passes.

Fixed an issue with Hair specular pass.

Fixed an issue with rendering splines in Cloner as Hair.


Fixed a stability issue with UVs

Improved brush size adjustments.

Fixed a stability issue with selections.


Fixed an issue with Blocksize 128 AES File


Fixed an issue with transparent images


Fixed an issue with Protection tag

Fixed several issues in CA templates

Fixed an issue with Binding in CA object

Fixed an issue with undo/redo in CA object

Fixed an issue with console errors with Character Builder

Fixed an issue with Muscle object

Fixed an issue with Clamp Constraint

Fixed several issues in Weight Manager

Fixed an issue after scene load

Fixed an issue with weight transferring

Fixed an issue with Collision deformer memory usage

Fixed an issue with console errors with Character Builder

Fixed an issue with Weight effector naming

Fixed an issue with Aim Constraint.

Fixed a constraint issue upon scene load.

Fixed an issue with constraint not refreshing.

Fixed an issue with commander invoked Weight tag.

Fixed an issue with dynamics in Bird template.

Fixed an issue with constraint axis orientation.

Fixed an issue with constraints and zero scale objects.

Fixed an issue with snapping and drawing joints.

Fixed an issue with UpVector constraint refresh.


Fixed a performance issue

Fixed several issues with Reflectance channel

Fixed several issues with Grass rendering

Fixed an issue with Physical Render

Fixed an issue with Update and Selection tags

Fixed an issue with Update Merge material update

Fixed an issue with Update Merge and Sky object

Fixed an issue with Update Merge material update and UVW tags

Fixed an issue with Update Merge and materials

Fixed an issue with Update and selection tags


Fixed several issues with scene import


Fixed an issue in Analogous mode

Fixed several issues in Spectrum mode

Fixed several issues in HSV mode

Fixed an issue with Autokeying in HSV mode

Fixed several issues in the Color Chooser Interface

Fixed an issue with short link to the tex folder

Fixed an issue with Save Preset

Fixed an issue with Reload Default Group option

Fixed an issue with Color Distribution for the Monochromatic mode

Fixed an issue with swatch preset drag & drop from catalog

Mode of the Color Chooser is now passed to the pop-up when clicking on the current color

Fixed an issue with loading multiple swatch

Fixed an issue with Color Chooser pan in image mode

Fixed an issue with double-click on color value slider in Color Chooser

Fixed an issue with color swatches in Color Chooser

Fixed a typo in the name of “Complementary” mode in Color Chooser

Fixed an issue with saturation when working in Color Wheel mode

Fixed an issue with reordering color swatches in Color Chooser

Fixed an issue with Monochromatic mode in Color Chooser

Fixed an issue with Color From Picture.

Fixed an issue with changing color for multiple objects.


Fixed an issue with commander added tags and user set default values.

Fixed an issue with commander added tags and de-selection.


Fixed several issues with the Preview

Fixed a stability issue

Fixed an issue with renaming of folders


Fixed and issue with Collision deformer threading

Fixed an issue with Shrink Wrap deformer and SDS


Fixed a stability issue

Fixed the URL to order the full Cinema 4D out of the demo version


Fixed an issue with soft body dynamics when object is far away from world center

Fixed a stability issue

Fixed an issue with Dynamics caches.


Fixed several cosmetic issues

Fixed several stability issues

Fixed an issue with Alembic (Merge)

Fixed several issues with Alembic (relative, absolute path)

Fixed an issue with Alembic (Thinking Particles)

Fixed an issue with OBJ Export (Effectors)

Fixed an issue with OBJ Export (Render Instances)

Fixed an issue with OBJ Export (Cloner object)

Fixed an issue with OBJ Export (additional material)

Fixed an issue with OBJ Export (duplicate vertices)

Fixed several issues with OBJ Scale

Fixed several issues with OBJ Import

Fixed several OBJ Import performance issues

Fixed an issue with BVH Import

Fixed several issues with Sketchup Import

Fixed an issue with VRML2 Import

Fixed an issue with Alembic Polygon selections

OBJ now exports the texture in the Color reflectance layer

Fixed an issue with DXF Export when objects have a “.” in their name

OBJ now optionally adds and exports randomly colored materials for objects without materials

OBJ: Alpha texture will now be imported to the Alpha channel

Fixed an issue with wrongly disabled materials channels on OBJ import

Fixed an issue with FBX export stability

Fixed an issue with component instance texture UVs in SketchUp import

Fixed an issue with texture paths and SketchUp import

Fixed an undo issue when changing Alembic settings

Fixed distorted UVs on OBJ export

Fixed an issue with the scale option in case the axis are flipped or swapped on OBJ export

Fixed an issue with Alembic and Instance Object – Render Instances

Fixed an issue with broken UVs if Flipped UV option is used on OBJ export

Adapted the OBJ exporter to overcome some limitations of 3ds Max and maya OBJ importers

The OBJ import options Flip and Swap axes do not flip the faces anymore.

Fixed an issue with OBJ export option Duplicate Vertices

Fixed an issue with the default preset for OBJ Exporter

Fixed an issue with Physical Sky import and SketchUp

Adapted OBJ for the future Maya versions

Fixed an issue when making Alembic splines editable

Fixed an issue with Alembic “update PSR” option being active when it shouldn’t

Fixed an issue with the distribution of the materials while exporting complex hierarchies to OBJ

Fixed an undo issue when bulk changing Alembic objects

Fixed an issue with the ID of FORMAT_OBJEXPORT

Fixed an issue in OBJ exporter with UVs being outside of the canvas

Fixed a hierarchy issue when importing certain alembic files

OBJs exported out of CATIA can now be imported

Fixed an issue with broken geometry on import of a specific OBJ file.

Fixed an issue with Alembic transform resetting.

Fixed an issue with wrong normal direction on OBJ import.

New option allows to export duplicate points as an OBJ file.

Import of the OBJ files is now much faster.

Default OBJ preset now helps to avoid flipped objects on import.

Fixed Ngon handling for OBJ importer.

Flip Normals option doesn’t break textures on OBJ import.

Fixed an issue with broken materials on OBJ import.

Fixed an issue with loading changed Alembic scene.

Fixed a crash on OBJ import.

Fixed an issue with Alembic closed curves import from Maya.

Fixed an issue with Alembic open curves export.

Fixed an issues with the exchange to the BodyPaint 3D Plugin in other applications.

Fixed an issue with UV tag and an empty object making an OBJ exporter fail.

Fixed issues with broken import presets on first use.

Fixed an issue with Alembic UVs assignment.

Added a new option to overcome a problem with the OBJ importer in 3ds max.

Fixed the link between OBJ export settings and the help.

Fixed an issue with import of some special OBJ files.

Fixed an issue with the Export Name and Default option of the OBJ exporter.

Fixed an issue with Alembic import.

Fixed an issue with disappearing GUI.

Fixed an issue with Alembic import preferences.

Fixed am issue with UVs in an OBJ file making it impossible to import it.

Fixed an issue with an OBJ file making the import fail.


Updated FBX to SDK version of 2016

Fixed an issue with FBX Export (lost material)

Fixed an issue with FBX Import (material)

Fixed an issue with FBX and animated MoInstances

Fixed an issue with FBX and Take System

Fixed an issue with merging FBX file

Upgrading FBX SDK to version 2016.1

Fixed an issue with FBX and animated textures

Fixed an issue with FBX and rotation order

Fixed an issue with FBX and joint falloff

Fixed an issue with multiple UV sets and smoothing groups

Fixed an issue with baking deformations

Fixed an issue with FBX and normals

Fixed an issue with FBX and camera export

Fixed an issue with FBX and camera fov

Fixed an issue with FBX and Clean Tracks option

Fixed an issue with FBX and animated takes

Fixed an issue with FBX stability

Fixed an issue with garbled meshes upon import.

Fixed an issue with multiple content browsers and FBX files.


Fixed an issue with Hair and Ambient Occlusion

Fixed an issue with Grass and Ambient Occlusion

Fixed an issue with shadow density.

Fixed an issue with backlit color default values.

Fixed an issue with Hair Light tag and disabled shadows.

Fixed an issue with ambient light.

Fixed an issue with hair Comb tool.


Fixed several stability issues

Fixed several cosmetic issues

Upgrade to Houdini Build 15.0.313

Fixed an issue with Remove Unused Materials

Fixed several issues with Houdini Engine and XPresso

Fixed several issues with Houdini Engine and Physical Render

Fixed several issues with Houdini Engine and Motion Blur

Fixed several issues with Houdini Engine and Team Renderer

Fixed an issue with Undo performance loss

Updated Houdini Engine plugin to run Houdini Engine version

Fixed an issue with creation of Houdini asset parameters on load

Fixed an issue with selection inputs of Houdini assets

Fixed an issue with a license mismatch warning

Fixed an issue the caused Houdini asset parameters to be reset on load when one was keyframed


Fixed several stability issues

Fixed several cosmetic issues

Fixed an issue with HUD control settings

Fixed an issue with reset of several Viewport settings

Fixed an issue with ToDo tag

Fixed an issue with Spline GUI and Preset window

Fixed an issue with Xpresso Tag (Priority Type)

Fixed an issue with Sky and Date/Time

Fixed an issue with SDS Object and Compatibility option

Fixed an issue on Windows with Navigation Keys and ALT modifier

Tokens drop-down now supports the cursor position in the file path field

Fixed an issue with empty script pasting

Adding tokens no longer modifies the render path unnecessarily

Added Material override to Attribute Manager render settings

Fixed an issue with saved layout with search field open in Take Manager

Fixed an issue with the display of the reflectance stack.

Fixed an issue with the tab key behavior of the Script Manager.

Fixed an issue with deletion of scripts without Script Manager open.


Fixed an issue with lease license on OS X

Fixed an issue with “check for updates” command not showing.


Fixed an issue with Manual Tracking and Default Pattern and Search Size

Fixed an issue with scroll wheel zoom in Graph View

Fixed an issue with lens distortion post effect that caused objects to render slightly too big

Fixed a stability issue

Fixed an issue when deleting tracks

Graph View now zooms to the cursor instead of center.

Fixed an issue with zooming while cursor is over a track.

Fixed a stability issue with closing scene while tracking is in progress.

Fixed an issue with lost track selections.

Added shortcuts for framing and current frame in Graph View.

Fixed an issue with scrubbing in Graph View.

Fixed an issue with deleting lines in Lens Distortion tool.


Fixed several cosmetic issues

Fixed an issue with Reflectance channel and removed layers

Fixed an issue with Reflectance channel and preview update on shader change

Fixed an issue with Reflectance channel and Cloth preset

Fixed an issue with Reflectance channel and thumbnail refresh after undo

Fixed an issue with Viewport refresh and Seamless Material in Material tag

Fixed an issue with animated material preview

Corrected a text string

Fixed an issue with Variation shaders hierarchy mode

Fixed an issue with Variation shader and saving with assets

Fixed an issue with Variation shaders UVW rotation

Fixed an issue with Variation shader and Object Buffers

Added Variation Shader options for flipping UVs and quantize rotation.

Variation Shader: Added an option for UV Tile.

Fixed an issue with gradient knots distribution.

Fixed an issue with loading unsupported file formats.

Fixed an issue with the layer shader.

Fixed an issue with Variation Shader on Background object.

Fixed an issue with Variation Shader rendering.

Fixed an issue with Variation Shader GUI.

Fixed an issue with Variation Shader UVW rotation.

Fixed an issue with the preview of animated materials in Material Manager.


Fixed an issue with Texture tag Restriction parameter in Melange

Fixed an issue with Save Animation for Melange and cache

Fixed an issue with Update Merge.


Fixed an issue with Customize menus


Fixed several stability issues

Fixed an issue with Spline Arc tool

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以上就是好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理的C4D软件 R17.055三维软件中文版含离线更新包Maxon Cinema 4D R17.055 (SP3.5) Win/Mac相关内容,如果对您有帮助,请帮忙分享这篇文章^_^

本文来源: https://www.haoku5.com/IT/63aaaffe01201a55b7019126.html

