MAXON官方发布C4D R17.048升级包来啦!

浏览次数: 578

好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理了MAXON官方发布C4D R17.048升级包来啦!的相关教程:2015年12月15日,MAXON官方发布了CINEMA4D最新版本C4DR17.048的升级更新。这次更新提升主要是针对C4DR17用户,C4D和其它软件一样,只能在同版本中升级,跨版本只能重

2015年12月15日,MAXON官方发布了CINEMA 4D最新版本C4D R17.048的升级更新。这次更新提升主要是针对C4D R17用户,C4D和其它软件一样,只能在同版本中升级,跨版本只能重新安装。这次升级提升了稳定性计算,还有和其它软件格式的兼容性,如obj/sketchup的fbx等,还包含运动跟踪、样条等,总计超过有100多处更新服务。建议用户进行升级更新!


This service release for Cinema 4D and BodyPaint 3D R17 is highly recommended for all R17 users and offers general stability improvements, functional bug fixes as well as performance enhancements.

The main focus of the release is augmentation to exchange formats: Alembic, OBJ, FBX, SketchUp and others. The Houdini exchange has been updated for compatibility with Houdini 15. In addition, many enhancements to animation, the Color Chooser, Motion Tracking, the Take Manager, Spline Tools etc., have been included. All in all, there are over 100 improvements in this Service Release which underlines MAXON’s ongoing effort to make Cinema 4D the most reliable tool in your pipeline. The service pack also includes performance improvements for Team Render and a new addition to Cinema 4D’s Pipeline menu, the AE Live Link. This functionality is currently disabled and is planned for an upcoming Cineware update in After Effects CC.

This is the service update 17.048 for Cinema 4D and BodyPaint 3D R17.

This update is highly recommended for all R17 users. In general there have been a lot of stability improvements, functional bug fixes as well as some performance improvements and idea implementations.


以上就是好酷屋教程网小编为您收集和整理的MAXON官方发布C4D R17.048升级包来啦!相关内容,如果对您有帮助,请帮忙分享这篇文章^_^


